9 Tips for Moving with Pets
Moving to a new home can be stressful on your pets, but there are many things you can do to make the process as painless as possible.
Keep in mind we sell a number of calming products to reduce anxiety for travel and change.
1. Update your pet’s tag.
Make sure your pet is wearing a sturdy collar with an identification tag that is labeled with your current contact information. The tag should include your destination location and phone number. (You can purchase ID tags in our store!)
4. Seclude your pet from chaos.
Pets can feel vulnerable on moving day; keep them in a safe, quiet, well-ventilated place, such as the bathroom, on moving day with a “Do Not Disturb” sign posted on the door. There are many light, collapsible travel crates on the market if you choose to buy one. (But make sure your pet is familiar with the new crate before moving day by gradually introducing him/her to the crate before your trip.)
2. Ask for veterinary records.
If you’re moving far enough away that you’ll need a new vet, you should ask for a current copy of your pet’s vaccinations. Have your current vet’s phone number handy in case of an emergency, or in case your new vet would like more information about your pet.
5. Prepare a first aid kit.
First aid is not a substitute for emergency veterinary care, but being prepared and knowing basic first aid could save your pet’s life. A few recommended supplies:
Your veterinarian’s phone number
Gauze (wrap wounds or muzzle your pet)
Adhesive tape for bandages
Non-stick bandages, towels
Hydrogen peroxide (3 percent).
3. Keep medications/food on hand.
Keep at least one week’s worth of food and medication with you in case of an emergency. New vets can’t write a prescription without a prior doctor/patient relationship. You may want to get an extra prescription refill before you move.
6. Play it safe in the car.
It’s best to travel with your dog in a crate; second-best is to use a restraining harness. When it comes to cats, it’s always best for their safety and yours to use a well-ventilated carrier in the car. Secure the crate or carrier with a seat belt and provide your pet with familiar toys. Never keep your pet in the open bed of a truck or the storage area of a moving van.
7. Get ready for takeoff.
When traveling by air, check with the airline about any pet requirements or restrictions to be sure you’ve prepared your pet for a safe trip. Some airlines will allow pets in the cabin, depending on the animal’s size, but you’ll need to purchase a special airline crate that fits under the seat in front of you. (We also carry many pet calming products!)
8. Find a new veterinary clinic and emergency hospital.
Before you move, ask your vet to recommend a doctor in your new locale. Talk to other pet owners when visiting the new community, and call the state veterinary medical association (VMA) for veterinarians in your location. When choosing a new veterinary hospital, ask for an impromptu tour.
9. Prep your new home for pets.
Pets may be frightened and confused in their new surroundings. Upon your arrival at your new home, immediately set out all the familiar and necessary things your pet will need: food, water, medications, bed, litter box, toys, etc. Pack these items in a handy spot so they can be unpacked right away.
Keep all cats inside at the new home for a minimum of two weeks so they know where they belong and learn the sounds and smells.